Creating the Commons
The new exhibition in the VU ART SCIENCE gallery, Creating the Commons, examines the co-creation of art and science Lees verder
The new exhibition in the VU ART SCIENCE gallery, Creating the Commons, examines the co-creation of art and science. Under the generic term Open Science the academic community is aiming for greater transparency and broader accessibility. In the arts, too, artists are increasingly producing community based art. Ideals such as equality, collective interest and sustainability are central to these developments. The exhibition opens at May 11 with a short talk by Piek Vossen, Professor of Language Technology.
In Creating the Commons artists and scientists share their work with the public through presentations, performances, workshops and conversations. Also the various dilemmas of co-creation will be addressed, including authorship, inclusion, accessibility and control.
Creating the Commons
Exhibition: May 11 – October 31, 2023
Tuesday – Saturday, 12 – 6 PM
For current information about the ART SCIENCE dialogues and the participants: